If you are a Business Owner who likes to DIY (Do it Yourself) then listen up! ✨😉 I have a fun little Graphic Design Tip for you to keep in mind for that next Marketing Project!

Stick to 2️⃣️ MAYBE 3️⃣️ Typefaces (aka Fonts to the General Public). When I create a Brand for my Clients I generally use two Typefaces for them to run with. If you want to add in another generic font for your main text that’s okay, but be sure to keep it a simple, clean and basic font. Georgia and Verdana never hurt anybody. ALWAYS SAY NO to Comic Sans – ALWAYS!

💡I suggest you use your Script or Bold Typefaces for your headers and small statements to get your viewer’s attention. Use your basic Typefaces for your text heavy content!

👩‍💻I hope that helps! Comment below with any further questions or if you’d be interested in more Graphic Design Tips in the future!